Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is extraordinarily common. Nearly one quarter of Americans are affected, and the odds of contracting it rise as you get older and remain sexually active.
The danger with HPV is in the widely verified fact that it can lead to several forms of cancer, including cervical cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, and vulvar cancer.
Should Men Worry About HPV?
Look closely at that list above and you’ll notice that it contains a number of cancers beyond cervical cancer, the disease with which it is most closely associated. That’s why men must take precautions surrounding HPV protection as well, and should strongly consider getting the HPV vaccine, as one recent news item underscored:
Actor Michael Douglas made headlines in 2013 when he announced that he got throat cancer, not by drinking and smoking, but from HPV. In fact, white, non-smoking men age 35 to 55 are most at risk for oral and oropharyngeal cancers caused by HPV; they’re four times more likely than women to develop these cancers.
Penile and anal cancer, while rare, are also caused by HPV.
Stay Safe From HPV
Whether you are looking for a vaccination regime or simply seeking early detection, the Proctology Institute can help. Contact us today to learn more about how you can protect yourself and your partners from HPV.