Hemorrhoids can be a literal pain in the ass. And when you have them, you certainly don’t want to do anything to worsen your ordeal. You need to stop doing the following things if you have a hemorrhoid:
Taking too much laxatives.
A laxative may be a good idea to ease your constipation. But just like in all things, too much of it would be a bad idea. Frequent laxative consumption causes the veins in the rectum and anus to bruise easily, making them vulnerable to infection. The type of laxative you use also matters; avoid the ones that are not fiber-based as they may induce diarrhea. The safest to use are bulk laxatives such as psyllium.
Delaying going to the bathroom.
If you feel the urge to go, do it right away. Delaying what is inevitable will harden your stool and make it dry.
Doing other things in the bathroom.
And by “other things,” I mean stuff like reading magazines or scrolling through your Instagram feed to pass the time away while you poop. Spending more time than what is necessary on the bathroom will cause you to strain and put undue pressure on your anal blood vessels.
Eating spicy food.
While there is no evidence to suggest that spicy food can worsen hemorrhoids, their presence may aggravate an already sensitive digestive system, so it would be best to stay away from them for the meantime.
Taking an iron supplement.
An iron supplement may cause constipation as its side effect, which can aggravate the hemorrhoids. It is best to consult with a Los Angeles hemorrhoid doctor first if you want to continue taking the supplement.
Lifting heavy objects.
Lifting weights or a heavy piece of furniture may cause you to strain and increase the pressure on your internal organs, including the veins in your rectum. Make sure to use proper breathing and lifting techniques to prevent your hemorrhoids from worsening.
If you want to know more about proper hemorrhoid management, please feel free to schedule an appointment here at the Proctology Institute.