It is considered a rites of passage of the aging process, alongside such unexpected delights as soreness, senior moments, and acid reflux. Hemorrhoids are absolutely associated with the older set, and the data bears this out: as people become more sedentary and blood flow diminishes, hemorrhoid are more likely to appear.
One review of a well-liked memoir recently described the state of aging thusly:
While acknowledging the many advantages he has — a healthy relationship with his wife Johanna, work, good friends, relative good health — he also obsesses about what seems to be going wrong, or what will go wrong down the road. . . .There’s hemorrhoids, plantar fasciitis and the specter of brain decline.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Hemorrhoids and aging are correlated, but aging in itself cannot give you hemorrhoids. Getting hemorrhoids requires that you sit often, strain during bowel movements, or evince an otherwise unrelated vascular issue which could lead to pressure and swelling in this part of the body.
It is possible to stay active, eat well, and avoid hemorrhoids for the entirety of your lifetime. But if you experience the itching and swelling associated with hemorrhoids in your life, then it’s time to visit a Los Angeles hemorrhoid doctor. Contact our offices in Newport, Huntington Beach, and Los Angeles for an appointment.