Anal dysplasia can be diagnosed and treated by the best in class proctologists of the Proctology Institute of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Newport Beach & Huntington Beach. Anal dysplasia is a condition where abnormal cells line the anal canal. Although anal dysplasia typically starts out with mild changes in the cellular architecture, anal dysplasia can eventually progress to high-grade lesions, a common precursor to cancer. Thorough testing will be employed by your proctologist to confirm the presence of anal dysplasia.
What causes anal dysplasia?
Anal dysplasia is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and has been associated with some common risk factors including:
- Multiple sexual partners
- Anal receptive intercourse
- Anal warts
- Anal ulcers
- Women with a history of cervical or vulvar cancer
What are the symptoms of anal dysplasia? The symptoms of anal dysplasia are not always easy to spot and may be confused with other disorders such as anal warts or hemorrhoids. Common symptoms include:
- No symptoms
- Bleeding
- A mass at the opening of the anus
- Pressure or pain
- Mucous discharge
- Swollen glands in the anus or groin
What is a High-Resolution Anoscopy, or HRA?
A High-Resolution Anoscopy is a surgical procedure where the mucosa or lining of the anal canal is visualized under high-power microscopy in the operating room. The anal canal is stained with acetic acid and Lugol’s solution. Areas of dysplasia will be biopsied and electrodesiccation or “burned” to allow new tissue to regrow without dysplasia.
How is anal dysplasia diagnosed by a proctologist?
Your proctologist can diagnose anal dysplasia with an anal pap smear or high-resolution anoscopy, known as HRA. A biopsy is necessary to provide a definitive diagnosis of anal dysplasia.
How is anal dysplasia treated?
Anal dysplasia is treated with high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) with biopsy and electrodesiccation.
Our best in class proctologists pride themselves on providing you highly personalized and comprehensive care before, after, and during your proctology treatment. The Proctology Institute of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Newport Beach & Huntington Beach’s philosophy of direct proctologist to patient care at every visit has made us one of the most trusted and respected medical practices in Southern California. For more information or to schedule a consultation on regards to anal dysplasia please feel free to contact us:
Proctology Institute Beverly Hills
300 South Beverly Drive, Suite 105
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(800) 280-6384
Proctology Institute Newport Beach
500 Superior Ave, Suite 320
Newport Beach, CA 92663
(949) 467-9187
Proctology Institute Los Angeles
11601 Wilshire Blvd, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 844-9170
Proctology Institute Huntington Beach
17011 Beach Blvd, Suite 900
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
(714) 756-2236