One of my jobs as the preeminent proctologist in Southern California is to stay current on the latest research into the treatment and resolution of anal symptoms. One of these, anal fissures, is widely considered the worst of the pack – the most painful, debilitating, and intolerable source of anal discomfort in the field.
So when a recent study compared two different formulations of BOTOX for the treatment of anal fissure, I read the study with some interest. The study asks whether botulinum is an effective treatment for chronic anal fissure, and sets out to compare two different formulations to see which is more effective. It has a good design – a randomized study with a fairly substantial sample size.
The results?
At the 2-month evaluation point, 46 patients in group I and 47 patients in group II had a healing scar. There were no relapses during an average of about 21 months of follow-up. . . .The efficacy and tolerability of the two different formulations of botulinum neurotoxin were indistinguishable.
So: botulinum works, and so far there is no compelling reason to prefer one trade name over the other.
There is more to learn on this subject, and the field continues to evolve safer and more effective treatments for anal fissures and related disorders. If you want the best care for an anal fissure in Los Angeles, contact the Proctology Institute today.