It is all too easy to call hemorrhoids a pregnancy-related disorder without really defining what that means. Do most women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy, or after? (Answer: both.) Does the problem resolve on its own once the baby is out, or can it persist? (Depends.)
Resources like this one are useful because they help to infuse the anodyne medical advice of most websites with actual personal stories. The thread in that link includes a number of perspectives, ranging from women who experienced fast recoveries, to those with chronic hemorrhoid problems which just won’t quit:
I still get some flare ups. I take either a tucks pad or a cotton pad with witch hazel and put a thin line of hydrocortisone on it and tuck it right up there. Provides a lot of relief and typically the swelling and major part of the itching is gone within a day.
I count how much fiber I have most days. I add some flax to my shakes in the morning. Good luck. They suck.
Instead of ointments, you could also try dietary changes, daily exercise, or a visit to a top hemorrhoid doctor for good advice.
Dr. Maz is the best-regarded hemorrhoid expert in Los Angeles. If you are now or have been pregnant and suspect your hemorrhoids may be related to the process, please don’t hesitate. See a doctor and get an expert checkup today.