Most people postpone their visit to the doctor because they are too embarrassed to talk about what’s bothering them. Things such as bodily functions, private parts, and sex are still taboo, which is why a lot of people would rather tolerate or suffer through the pain instead of seeking a medical appointment.
Almost everybody who have consulted me have been embarrassed to talk about their anal problems. But this is something you need to get over in order for your hemorrhoids to be treated, so you can be on your way to recovery.
Here are some of the things you can do (or think) to make it easier to talk to your doctor about your “embarrassing” problem.
You’re not that special.
Trust me when I say that your situation is most probably something I’ve already heard of a million times. Hemorrhoids happen to a lot of people, not just you. So don’t be embarrassed when you get it, and don’t be afraid to talk about it to your doctor.
Own up to your embarrassment.
Admit that what you’re going through is difficult for you to talk about. “I’m not comfortable discussing this with you, and it’s hard for me to ask, but…” Saying this straight away will allow the doctor to put you at ease and to proceed more carefully in the conversation.
A medical appointment is not a date.
Most people think that going to the doctor is like going on a first date. Remember that this is a professional relationship, which means you don’t have to be articulate, or even make steady eye contact. Your Los Angeles anal doctor has been trained to be nonjudgmental, which is why you don’t have to worry about the kind of impression you’re making.
Do whatever works for you.
If you are really nervous about talking to the doctor, write down what it is you want to say (or ask) ahead of time. Or, you can find out your doctor’s email address and send an email first before making the visit.
Be prepared to strip.
If you’re anxious about undressing in front of a doctor, do whatever you can to make things easier for you, such as wearing good underwear or shaving your legs.
Seeing a doctor to have your hemorrhoids checked is already half the battle won. Rest assured that the staff here at the Proctology Institute is discreet, compassionate, and sensitive to what you’re going through.